2017 Conference on Teaching, Learning, & Discovery
The second annual Conference on Teaching, Learning & Research was held on Saturday, August 26, 2017 at the UCR Palm Desert Center.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D.
Dean Emerita of Social Sciences at Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute
Professor of Psychology, Emerita at Claremont McKenna College
Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D., is the dean of social sciences, emerita at the Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute, professor of psychology, emerita at Claremont McKenna College, and a past-president of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Teaching of Psychology. She has published hundreds of articles and many books including, Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking (5th Ed., 2014); Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities (4th ed.), and Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family (co-authored with Fanny Cheung). Her other recent books include Psychological Science (5th ed. with Michael Gazzaniga and Todd Heatherton) and the edited book, Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the Discipline.
Halpern has won many awards for her teaching and research, including the James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award from the Association for Psychological Science (2013); the Arthur W. Staats Lecture on Unifying Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association (2013); Outstanding Professor Award from the Western Psychological Association (2002); and the California State University's State-Wide Outstanding Professor Award. She is the author of the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (Schuhfried Publishers) that uses multiple response formats, which allow test takers to demonstrate their ability to think about everyday topics using both constructed response and recognition formats.
Breakout Speaker: Lawrence Loo, M.D.
Assistant Dean, Continuing Medical Education, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Vice Chair, Education & Faculty Development, Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Associate Clinical Professor, UCR School of Medicine
Dr. Laurence Loo, M.D. is the assistant dean of continuing medical education and vice chair for education & faculty development at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Loo is a physician educator, who is committed to building strong educational programs that foster the development and growth of physicians along the professional continuum starting first in medical school, transitioning to residency and throughout the rest of a physician’s professional life by facilitating continuing medical education and self-directed learning. He served as the governor of the Southern California region II from 2004-2008.
Loo graduated from the University of California, San Diego in 1981. He completed his internal medicine residency in 1984 and served as chief resident at the Pettis V.A. Medical Center from 1984-1985.
Breakout Speaker: Rosemary Tyrrell, Ph.D.
Director, Faculty Development Program, UCR School of Medicine
Rosemary Tyrrell, Ed.D., joined the UC Riverside School of Medicine as director of the Faculty Development Program in 2016.
Tyrrell received her Ed.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her dissertation was "Exploring the Needs and Perceptions of Online Faculty Towards Faculty Professional Development: A Qualitative Study."
Prior to joining UCR, Tyrrell was an instructional specialist for the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. She oversaw the development of pedagogy on the San Diego campus, training and mentoring all faculty, developing and conducting quarterly faculty professional development sessions and technology training, observing classroom teaching, orientation of all new faculty hires, and coordinating and developing elements of program review. She also worked as an e-learning instructional specialist and helped design and implement an online faculty orientation program.
She earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from Youngstown State University and followed that with a M.A. in theater from the University of Kansas.
Tyrrell was a co-founder and executive director of the Icarus Puppet Company in San Diego.
She is a member of the American Education Research Association, The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, Curriculum Development and eLearning Professionals, Computer Using Educators, and Higher Education Teaching and Learning.
Breakout Speaker: Goldberry Long, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Creative Writing
Director of LACE Writing
Goldberry Long holds an MFA in Fiction from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa and is an award-winning writer and teacher. She is the recipient of a Stegner Fellowship from Stanford University, a James Michener Fellowship, and numerous residencies including at The Ucross Foundation and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts.
Introductory Speaker - Dr. Deborah Deas, M.D.
Mark and Pam Rubin Dean & CEO for Clinical Affairs,
UC Riverside School of Medicine
Keynote Speaker - Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D.
Dean Emerita of Social Sciences at Minerva Schools, Keck Graduate Institute
Professor of Psychology, Emerita, Claremont McKenna College
Faculty Workshop - "Asking Questions: Inspiration or Intimidation" - Lawrence Loo, M.D.
This presentation will focus on the fine line between inspiration and intimidation when asking questions of medical students. At the end of this session, you will be able to explain the controversy in defining "pimping" as commonly used in medical education, identify the multiple purposes of asking questions in the clinical learning environment, and ask more challenging questions to facilitate deeper memory retention.
Class of 2018 Presentations
- Survey of antibiotic use and over prescription in the Inland Empire Mark Hilado, Vincente Lam, Madelaine Soriano, Joshua Winn
- The Effects of Physician Promotion of Commercial Weight Loss programs Jay Thetford
- The Relationship between Patient-Provider Trust and Health Care Utilization in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) - Austin Anderson, Hurnan Vongsachang
- The Relationship Between Prior Diabetes Knowledge and A1c scores in Type 2 Diabetics
- Adam Basiago, Erik Carpio - A SMART Way to Decrease the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease - Alan Huyhn, Chad Correa, Monika Garcia, Eric Liao, Tatiana Manchenkov
- Barriers to adherence to medications in patients suffering from chronic conditions. - Nada Awad
- Barriers to Losing It!: How we Lost the Project G. Alden Holmes, Elena Jordan - Closed-Loop Glucagon Administration for the Automated Prevention and Treatment of Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes Lisa Dao
- A Prospective and Retrospective Study Assessing Depression and Healthcare Access within the Inland Empire - Saba Naamo, Calvin Sung, Tri Tran
- Analysis of Management Practices of Long-term Opioid Therapy for Noncancer Pain at RUHS - Ariana Ramirez, Elias Fanous
- Assessing Barriers to Access of Medicine for People with Disabilities - Scott Cramer
- Assessing Statin Hesitancy and Adherence Among Type II Diabetic Patients - Magi Ishak Gabra, Kristianna Wi
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Individualized Dietary Interventions Tools and Healthy Eating Conscientiousness and Weight Loss Outcomes Lisa Schwartz
- Barriers to Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Medication Adherence in Africa-America Patients - Khalid Aldaas, Morenike Fanu
- Barriers to Diagnosis and Treatment of major Depression - Michelle Okoreeh, Sumedha Sinha
- Characterizing Polypharmacy and its Effect in Internal Medicine - Rennie Burke, Joe Lopez. Sireena Sy
Class of 2020 Poster Session
- A Retrospective Study Evaluating Clinical Indicators of Myocardial Infarction 0-30 days Prior to the Event - Kathryn Lewis
- Addressing Influenza Vaccination Rates Through Clinic-based Education - Megan Calzia
- Comparing the Effects of Low-glycemic Diet on BMI, Hemoglobin A1c in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus - Vanessa Castillo, Jasmin Valenzuela
- Correlation between diabetes management and patient outcomes across a diverse patient population within the Inland Empire - Sarah Grace, Monica Gutierrez, Akash Patel, Jordan Rossi
- An Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Efficacy & Tolerability of Ecopipam in Adults with Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering) - Spencer Wang, Jason Tran
- Descriptive Analysis of Patient Knowledge and Values of PSA Screening and Prostate Cancer and Perceptions of the Use of Informed Decision-making on PSA Screening - Lauren Quinto
- Physician Language Concordance and LEP Latino Prediabetes Management - Antonio Garcia
- Physician Reasons for Recommending or Not Recommending the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine - Bea Martina Palileo, Jericha Viduya
- Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Compliance and Outcomes for Patients with DM Type II - Jasmine Jafari
- Effectiveness of In-clinic Rehabilitation Exercises on Patient Adherence in a Sports Medicine Clinic - Melinda Ma
- Efficacy of the Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test on Colorectal Cancer Screening - Ross Mudgway
Faculty Workshop - Room B217 - "10 Valuable PowerPoint Hacks"
Rosemary Tyrrell, Ed.D. PowerPoint slides. We all use them. We all wish we could improve them. We all want to avoid death by PowerPoint. Fortunately, there are ways to create more dynamic and powerful presentations! At this workshop you will learn 10 quick and easy ways to improve your slides whether you use them for teaching, conference presentations or meetings.
Class of 2018 Presentations
- Depression and diabetes in Latino Populations - Joshua Poole
- Effects of nutrition and exercise program on overweight and obese patients at risk for Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease [NAFLD] - A Prospective Cohort Study - Crystal Deedas
- Evaluation of a Physician Managed Weight Loss Program and Patients with Obesity - Michelle Dilley
- Harnessing Kaiser’s Interoperability to Expand the Use of Telemedicine in Diabetes Management - Pooja Desai
Class of 2019 Presentations
- Self-monitoring in diabetic patient health outcomes - Karen Clarey-Medina, Madeline Mullen
- The Correlation between Diabetes Distress and Glycemic Control in Type II Diabetic Patients - Stephanie Bamidele
- To Establish Guidelines for Optimal Gestational Weight Gain Specific to the Hispanic Populations - Cathy Dong, McKenna Geary, Pepe Orozco
- Using Financial Incentives to Improve Patient Motivation and Health Outcomes - Erin Liang
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Survey of treatments and Guidelines and their Efficacy - Joshua Fan
- Opioid Abuse Epidemic - Rita Lis, Khoa Nguyen
- Opioid Epidemic - Ryan Roleson
- Perceptions of the HPV Vaccine and Effects on Rates of Vaccination - Deema Akari, Srita Chakka
- Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes via the Implementation of Education Focused on Dietary and Lifestyle Modification - John Isaac, Frances Tao, Francisco Farias, Robbin Melo
- San Bernardino County is the Largest County and is Underserved for Healthcare - Ann Lee, Edward Lievanos
Class of 2020 Poster Session
- Evaluation of a Plant Based Diet - Valerie Armstrong
- Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction and Outcomes for Surgical and Conservative Management of Knee Osteoarthritis - Sharona Hariri
- Evaluation of the benefits of cognitive Behavioral therapy in managing Migraines in High School Advanced placement Students for Improving their Education, overall health and quality of life - Jessica Nguyen, Sang Nguyen
- Identification of Veterans in the Kaiser System to Improve Health Outcomes - Zara Khan, Josue Zozaya
- Improving Annual Mammogram and Pap Smear Screening Compliance in Overdue Patients through Scripted Telephone Reminders - Kevin Ha
- Improving Foster Youth Medication Oversight in Riverside County - Chelsey Bithell, Tina Tung, Emily Young
- Influenza and Human Papillomavirus: Factors Influencing Patient Participating and Targeted Intervention Strategies - Huthafya Kahf, Yazeed Kesbeh, Nicole Margaret, Eric van Baarsel, Aaron Watson
- Integrating online Education (EMMI) Programs in Diabetes Management - Mark Halim
- Language Effect on Diabetic Adherence to Medication - Mauricio Bonilla
- Literature Review of Opioid Prescribing Guideline Implementation and Related Overdose and Death in the United States - Breanna Fell, Mia Montoya, Lina Omary
- Missed Attendances at an Urban Pediatric Primary Care Clinic - Jason Tran
- Opiod Overdose Risk Reduction: Counseling on Opiod Overdose in a Primary Care Clinic Setting - Tiffany Phon
Cal Baptist University Physician Assistant Studies
Students' Quality Improvement Presentations
- Reducing Childhood Asthma Exacerbations - Wein Sua & Hillary Avera
- The Power to Protect Program - Ashely Navarrete & Kelsey Koon
- Alternative Prenatal Care Models: Potential Viability and Efficacy in San Bernadino and Riverside Counties - Dana Belk, Julia Hedger, & Jillian McCoy
- Addressing the Opioid Addiciton and Overdose Epidemic Through Quality Improvement Plans for Emergency Physicians - Robin Atkins & Amy Plaia
- Prevention of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Navi Atwal, Carol Carrroll & Brianne Estrada
Faculty Workshop - "Powerwriting" - Goldberry Long, M.F.A.
For medical students, Professional Identity Formation is a complex and often difficult process. How students respond to the process can have serious implications both for their personal well-being and for their clinical performance. This workshop explores the role of questions in guiding students in this process, and introduces a potential tool for educators to use. The tool, Powerwriting, can be used by educators to improve their teaching, and by students to improve their responses to Professional Identity Formation.
Class of 2018 Presentations
- Health Coaching as a Tool for the Management of Diabetic Patients in Riverside County - Reema Ghatnekar, Luqman Nasouf, David Ng
- Identifying (Mis)information in an Online Diabetes Forum - Timothy Vu, Mark Sueyoshi
- Relationship Between Socio-demographics, Prenatal Care and Brain Injury in preterm Newborns - Morvarid Tavasoli
- Restricted Spaces: Factors affecting where women who participate in sex work in Tijuana, México can inject drugs - Priya Chakrabarti
- The Role of Remote Medicine in the Management of Outpatient Health - Michael Ibrahim, William Leon
- Using Personal Technological Devices to Promote Physical Activity - Yasamin Olyei, Dustin Plowman, Elaine Roh, Laura Wilson
- Utility of the PHQ-2 for Depression Screening in an Outpatient Community Setting - Michelle Tom
- Two Cases of Primary Extracutaneous Melanoma - G. Alden Holmes, Samir Kubba, MD
Class of 2019 Presentations
- Comparative Retrospective Analysis of Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Diabetes (DMII) - Nathaniel Gleason
- Identify and Better Understand the Psychosocial Barriers in managing DMT2 for Patients of Kaiser - Moreno Valley
- Asbat Hasan, Alfred Lee, Veronica Scott
- Intervention for Adult Obesity in Settings with Limited Provider Time - Margaret Clark
Class of 2020 Poster Session
- Perceptions of the Annual Flu Vaccine in Riverside and Moreno Valley +65 populations: A Study and Intervention - Amina Larbah
- Providing Motivational Interviewing to Chronic Noncancer Patients to Help them Improve Coping Skills and Achieve their Functional Goals - Monica Kozak, Tyler Lou, Michael Seigler
- Racial Socialization Integrated into Pediatric Clinical Settings - Niyolda Larios, Michelle Yang
- Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) in the Ambulatory Care Setting - Rashid Awan, Michael Garcia, Cynthia Ogubuike, Chinedum Oranusi
- Screening for Veteran Status - Kevin Westbrook
- Self-management of Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension with Goal-setting. - Stephanie Runke
- The Effect of Blue light Blocking Glasses on Insomniac Sleep Patterns - Mutahir Farhan, Noah Ghossein, Vandan Patel, Vinson Vong
- The Effect of Continuity of Care as Facilitated by Primary Care Physicians on Overall Patient Health - Marissa Fox, Brianna Manes
- The Effect of Motivational interviewing in a Clinical Setting on Health Outcomes in Individuals with Type II Diabetes - Michelle Epps
- Treatment Outcomes in Type I Diabetes in Adult Patients - Kleshie Baisie
- Motivational Interviewing for Increased Self-Efficacy, Knowledge, and Glycemic Control in Adults with T2DM at Rancho Family Medical Group - Chelsea Santos
- Identifying Limitations to Access Mental Health Resources at Riverside University Medical Center - Stephanie Dreikorn
The Community Service and Research Project Undergraduate Student Presentations
- The Truth on Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes - Wyatt Ehrhardt, Janine Dostl, Rebekah Bernal & Itzel Cruz
- Investigation of Community's Contraception Knowledge - George Banzon, Summer Lackey & Jessica Davis
- Diabetes Prevention & Healthy Habits Fair - Adriana Briones, Ashley Martinez, Olga Saquiche, Jasmin Sanchez, Phillip Adilukito, Justin Philobos & Mykal Thuney
- Alzheimer's Disease Education for Seniors in Coachella Valley - Eric Razon, Eliza Castro, Alejandro Escareno & Mariah Gonzalez
- Nutrition and Health Care Correlations - Marianne Magana, Kevin Valdez, Lisette Ramierez & Yahaira Murillo
Closing Session
Remarks - Paul E. Lyons, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean, Medical Education & Chair - Department of Family Medicine
About the PIP Breakout & Poster Sessions
PIPs are an integral piece of the LACE experience and helps the student learn how to collaborate as a member of an inter-professional team by contributing to the culture of safety and improvement at their LACE facility. Presentations are based on how far along the student is in their program.
- Class of 2018 (those who have completed all three years of LACE) will give a 15-minute presentation on their completed PIP.
- Class of 2019 (those who have completed two years of LACE) will give 15-minute oral presentations on works-in-progress during the breakout sessions.
- Class of 2020 (those who have completed the first year of LACE) will take part in the poster session. Presenters will be available to discuss their projects and answer any questions.