2021 Quality Improvement Conference
The newly renamed Quality Improvement Conference was delayed by the COVID-19 Pandemic and held online via Zoom on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021.
Introduction by Kendrick Davis, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation at the UC Riverside School of Medicine.
Welcome by Dean Deborah Deas, M.D., M.P.H.
The Mark and Pam Rubin Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Andrea Polonijo, Ph.D., M.P.H.
UCR SOM - Dept of Social Medicine, Population & Public Health
Nekisa Haghighat, M.D.
UCR SOM - Psychiatry
Joshua Poole, M.D.
UCR SOM - Psychiatry
Breakout Sessions
Future Physician Leaders (FPL) Presentations
- Autism and Nutrition - Justin Edwards, Amanda Jayasekara, Steven Molina, Adriana Oliva, Josephine Yii
- Nutrition and Mental Health - Guillermo Hernandez, Marnise Redeemer, Lauryn Remmers, Anthony Villalobos, David William
- Heart Attack Prevention - Stephanie Becerra, Ramneek Cheema, Lourdes Flores, Emmanuel Javed, Mackenzie Taylor Presentation
- Breast Cancer Awareness - Veronica Penate, Grady Rojas, Amanda Sanchez, Khushali Shah, Ridwan Syed
- FYI on STI's - Adolfo Aguilera, Zeyna Madanat, Karina Morales, Julia Ruiz
HABLAMoS Presentations (QI research presented in Spanish and focused on the Hispanic community)
The Designated Emphasis (DE) in Medical Spanish, also known as HABLAMoS (Hispanic And Bilingual Ambulatory Medical Studies), is a four-year language learning program that includes classroom instruction and experiential learning opportunities in Spanish-speaking clinics, communities, and families in Southern California’s Inland Empire and urban and rural Spanish-speaking countries.
UCR Medical Student Presentations Class of 2021 & 2022
- The Impact of Interactive Medical Education on Outpatient Diabetes Management - Dereck Wei
- The Impact of a Patient-Focused Educational Intervention on Influenza Vaccination Rates in the Pediatric Population - Ryan Chow
- Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Routine Vaccinations at a Pediatric Clinic - Emily Koos
- Improving Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Rates via Telephone Reminder - Stephen Hunter
- Analysis of Management Practices of Hypertension in the African American Population - Claudia Lee
- Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) as an Alternative Treatment for Patients on Opiates with Chronic Lumbar Pain - Brandon Phong
- Use of TikTok as an Educational Tool for Type 1 Diabetes - Mutahir Farhan
- Descriptive Encounter of the Patient Experience to Provide Better Informed Patient Care - Gregory Latta
- Determination of Reasons for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Refusal vs. Acceptance - Elizabeth Luu
- Increasing Pediatric Vaccine Compliance by Improving Identification of Parents’ Vaccine Misconceptions - Laurel Nelms
- Nutrition and Exercise Management for Type II Diabetics via Text Reminders or Educational Pamphlets - Arpita Gupta, Justine Ku
Medical Student Poster Presentations Class of 2023 Posters A
- Evaluating the Impact of Socieconomic Status and Health Care Access on COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties - Jasmine Lam, Skylar Rains, Crystal Witherspoon
- Analysis of How Flu Vaccine Education Improves Immunization Rates at Kaiser Clinic - Mohamed El-Farra, Taha Taka, Rayan Yahia
- Assessing the Utility of the Jurupa Valley Community Health Center Teen Clinic and Proposing a School-Based Teen Health Clinic in Riverside County - Denise Ornelas, Diana Ornelas
- Barriers to Influenza Vaccine compliance at Kaiser Fontana - Khoi Bach, Arnold Gan, Jordan Smith, Joseph Wong
- Effect of Education on Shifting Hypertensive Patients Towards a Plant-based Diet - Bianka Aceves Martin
- Encouraging Patient Accountability and Self-Efficacy to Improve Health Outcomes - Robert Andalon
- Perceptions of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine at Kaiser Permanente Corona - Catherine Banh
- Asthma Treatments and Follow Ups: Impact on Patient Health - Alma Esparza Castaneda
- Decrease Medication Errors and Improve Medication Compliancy Through Medication Reconciliation Amongst Hispanic Patients - Marisol Garcia
- Assessing the Effects of Delivering an Educational Handout to Patients with Hyperlipidemia - Victoria Gutierrez
Medical Student Poster Presentations Class of 2023 Posters B
- The Effect of Food Monitoring on Diabetes Management - Alden Dahan, Sarah Fraz, Yasmine Suliman
- Effects of Asthma Action Plan on Symptoms for Asthmatic Patients - Haeli Gutierrez, Austin Rice, Secilia Salem
Efficacy of Conservative vs. Invasive Procedures - Serena Choi, Ryan Arthur Figueras - Healthcare Professional Evaluation of Telemedicine Efficacy in the Inland Empire - Francis Gan, Somiya Maheshwari, Patrick Samones
- Examining the Effects of Patient Educational Level, Along with the Need for Additional Diabetes Education, Regarding HbA1c Levels and other Metabolic Factors in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - Keon Hessamian
- Evaluating the Role of Family Medicine Practice in Improving Patients' Quality of Life - Sandra Iskandar
- Analysis of How HPV Education Improves HPV Immunization Rates in a Pediatric Clinic - Sona Naik
- Increasing Patient Adherence to Mental Health Referrals from a Community Health Clinic - Talin Nercissian
- The Effect of COVID19 Screening Tests on Diagnostic Rates and Hospitalizations are still to be Determinded - David Nguyen
- The Relation between Healthcare Insurance Type and the Control of Diabetes, Hypertension, and Hypercholesterolemia - Osariemen Ogiamien
Breakout Session II
UCR Medical Student Presentations Class of 2021 & 2022
- The Effect of Education on the Flu Vaccination Rates in an Addiction Medicine Clinic in Riverside - Anastasia Shakhbazova
- Polypharmacy - Its Effect on Quality of Care and a Possible Intervention - Matthew Fan
- To Screen or Not to Screen: A Look at Current Rates of Mammogram Screenings at Riverside Medical Clinic - Jessica Truong
- Influence of patient education and provider trust on vaccine hesitancy - Cassidy Koo
- Statin nonadherence: Identification of causes and resolutions - Courtney DiNicola, Marc Durocher, Chandler Geary
- Effects of Non-automated and automated reminders on no show rates - Tin Dinh
- Patient Attitudes Towards Medical Students in an Outpatient Internal Medicine Setting - Betty Nguyen
- Use of Health Education in Prevention of Diabetes amongst Prediabetic Patients - Armando Navarro
- The Influence of Educational Brochures on Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Children - Jolene Nguyen Cuu
- Education Intervention for Pre-Diabetic and Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Outcomes at Talia Medical Group - Elie Ghasb, Allen Le
- Improving Patient Quality of Life and Family Understanding of End-of-Life Care Through Voluntary Advance Care Planning in a Primary Care Setting - Catherine Ha, Vu Pham
- Impact of Medical Adherence on Biomarkers of Chronic Disease - Sonul Gupta, Jennifer Laborada, Matthew O'Hara, Sawyer Schuljak
- Understanding Food Security Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes at the RUHS Perris Family Clinic - Taher Bhaijee, Leo Estrada
- Telehealth Practices: Consolidating the Academic and Corporate World – a systematic review - Morcel Hamidy, Ashley Stone
- Impact of Telephone Visits on Diabetes Control - Gurjot Walia
- Assessing the Screening and Treatment Practices of Nonmelonoma Skin Cancer in Adult Patients - Niusha Bavadian
- Observing existing and improved screening measures - Jennifer Grinceri
- Study Wrap-up: Review and Implementation of New Blood Pressure Guidelines at Riverside Neighborhood Health Center - Josue Reynaga
- HPV Vaccination Administration and Education - Niresh Perera
- Improving the Rate of Cervical Cancer Screening - Ashley Advincula, Dev Dhillon
- Influence of Medication Costs on Patient Adherence to Prescribed Medication Regimen at Riverside Medical Clinic: Patient and Physician Perspectives - Juan Jose Arguello, Joseph Miller
- Improving blood pressure management in hypertensive patients - Iqra Iqbal, Bo Yoo
- Automated Referral to Health Education for Overweight or Obese Adolescent Patient at Riveside Medical Clinic - Noelle Coen, Jordan Towne
Future Physician Leaders (FPL) Presentations
- Postpartum Depression - Eva Nelson, Anthony Nguyen, Sean Patel, Zainab Rangwala, Kimberly Wilkerson
- Comprehension of EM - Topics Among Coachella Valley Residents - Arshia Aghasharif, Stacey Amery De La Serna, Ana Granados, Julia Morales
- Get in Control with Birth Control - Daniela Castillo, Mariana Granados, Jessica Liu, Yvonne Monett, Zobia Qazi, Jaqueline Villa
- Diabetes - Jade Fowler, Sofia Gutierrez, Gary He, Sofia Hormaza, Eunice Im, Dien Mach Presentation
- CPR and First Aid - Diamond Centeno, Stephanie Chavez, Raquel Elias, Lucas Santos, Nicklas Wright
HABLAMoS Presentations
(QI research presented in Spanish and focused on the Hispanic community)
The Designated Emphasis (DE) in Medical Spanish, also known as HABLAMoS (Hispanic And Bilingual Ambulatory Medical Studies), is a four-year language learning program that includes classroom instruction and experiential learning opportunities in Spanish-speaking clinics, communities, and families in Southern California’s Inland Empire and urban and rural Spanish-speaking countries.
Medical Student Poster Presentations Class of 2023 Posters A2
- Investigating the Rates of HPV Vaccination and Attitudes About HPV Vaccination Among Black and Latino Populations - Luis Bautista, Marlekah Hudspeth
- Identifying Disparities in COVID19 Response Between Riverside and Orange County - Abigail Burr, Alvin Chan, Diem-Khanh Nguyen, Sahar Rahebi, Cody Webb, Nolan Winicki
- Inland Empire Telemedicine Access and Quality of Care in Response to COVID19 - Marilyn Corrales Arevalo, Priya Rajan, Dina Saba, Marice Salib
- COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Latino Farm Working Communities in the Eastern Coachella Valley, Riverside County - Alexa Pazos
- The Effect of Copays on Patient's with Chronic Health Disease - Robert Olmeda Barrientos
- Operational Strategy and Healthcare Delivery in Employee-Centered Clinics - Erick Otiniano
- Understanding Factors Affecting Patient Compliance with Influenza Immunization - Aislyn Oulee
- Flu Vaccine Compliance Rates Measured Between Age, Ethnicity, Primary Language, and Years of Residency with the Inland Empire - Jordan Parker
- An Analysis of Patient Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Pre and MID COVID19 Pandemic - Alfonso Parocua
- Early Childhood Care and Feeding: An Analysis of Health Literacies of Mothers with Children 0-24 Months old - Atisa Paudel
Medical Student Poster Presentations Class of 2023 Posters B2
- Observing Existing and Improved Screening Measures for Pediatric Gender-Transition Patients Between Endocrinology and Mental Health Services - Christine Duvenjian, Karen Figueroa
- Promotion of Plant-Based Diets in Managing Chronic Diseases, like Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, and Hypertension, at Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley Medical Center - Natalie Albasha, Cara Celina Romano Cusi
- Statin Nonadherence: Idenification of Causes and Resolutions - Edward Urtiaga
- COVID-19 Impact on the delivery of Quality Healthcare in the Inland Empire - Joey Abadilla, Luis Delgado
- The Exercise Prescription - Philine Endres, Anita Miranda Mendoza
- Investigating the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Diabetic Care in Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center - Omar Abbas, Alexis Castillo, Charity Hall, Carlys Henderson, Erica Li, Isaac Henry Ngo, Austin Nguy
- A Quality Improvement Project to Better the Health of Type II Diabetes Patients Through Improved Diet and Exercise - Joshua Ratoviz
- Using Photo Pamphlets with Chair Exercises to Improve Physical Mobility in Older Patients at a Family Care Clinic in Riverside, CA - Perla Saldivar
- Health Management in Patients with Hypertension - Wonder Edem
- Improving Opioid Prescribing Protocols by Analyzing Risks for Misuse in a Primary Care Setting - Brian Mcree
- Psychosocial Impact of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Patients - Roselyn Tran
Medical Student Presentations
UCR Medical Student Presentations Class of 2021 & 2022
- Effect of Precise Height Measurement on Diagnosis and Efficiency in Pediatric Endocrinology at Riverside Medical Clinic - Manparbodh Kaur
- Strategies to Improve Compliance Among Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension - Samantha Quon
- Examining the Impact of an Oral Care Program in Preventing Non-Ventilator-Associated Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) at LLU VA - Jason Llamas
- Screening for Psychiatric Comorbidities in Pediatric Patients with Migraine - Zachory Saylor
- Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease and Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Abnormal Fetal Echocardiograms in the Inland Empire - Lana Haddad
- Retrospective and Prospective Study on Continuity of Care in the Hispanic/Latino Population of Riverside County - Cesar Fortuna
- Efficacy of smartphone applications in Patients’ weight loss - Yatna Patel
- Analysis of Controlling Asthma Symptoms and the Development of an Effective Asthma Treatment Plan - Sana Hadyah, Jonathan Vargas
- Directed Health Coaching on Diabetes Reduction - Glenn Guardamondo
- Introducing a Social Needs Resource Database into a Primary Care Setting - Lavinia Mitroi, Mashgan Mostamand, Julia Seiberling
- Motivational Interviewing and Statin Adherence In the Kaiser Indian Hill Healthcare System - Skyler Harrison
- Investigating Hypertension Medication Adherence Measurements through Emphatic Dialogue at a Kaiser Out-Patient Clinic - Olayemi Osibowale, Kishan Patel
- How to Effectively Deliver Exercise Education to Patients - Preston Sitorus
- Investigation of the Barriers Affecting Patient Return to Follow-Up Visits for Blood Pressure Readings for Improvement and Implementation of Effective Methodologies to Minimize Loss of Follow up Visits - Andrea Gochi
- Comparison of Diabetic Education - John Dover
- Neighborhood Healthcare- Temecula Analysis of Referral System Process - Maria Macias Lopez, David Vasconcellos
- Use of Transient Elastography to Screen for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Diabetic Patients - Linus Amarikwa
- Improving Medical Education to Impact Clinician Attitudes Toward Transgender Patients at Riverside University Health System - Cyrus Nguyen
- UC Riverside School of Medicine & Kasier Permanente San Bernardino Family Medicine Clinic - Sharona Hariri
- Patient Self-Identification of Barriers to Improvement for Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Hispanic Population of the Inland Empire - Troy Ruff
- Assessing Efficacy of Kaiser Permanente’s Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire in Identifying High-Risk Patients in the Riverside Pediatric Clinic - Mohsen Baghchechi
- Weight Management in Rialto - A Study in Variance - Nicholas Notti
- Nutritional counseling and insulin-dependent diabetes management in the pediatric population - Tyler Moreno
- Improving Foster Youth Medication Oversight in Riverside County - Tina Tung
- Diet and Exercise Affecting - Marlene Alfaro, Michael Hall, Alfonso Vera
- Facilitating Management of Type II Diabetes Through Education: A Focus on Hispanics, one of the Inland Empire’s Most Vulnerable Populations - Irvin Calderon, Kathy Gomez
- Impact of personalized electronic coaching on Type 2 diabetes control - Kashif Iqbal, Niluk Senewiratne
- Patients’ Perspectives on Informal vs. Formal Interpreting Services in a County Setting - Julia Devito
- Comparison of Pharmacologic Therapies for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Julius Daniels, Jossue Jimenez, Miguel Quispe Sanchez, Phuong Vo
- Assessing management of pre-diabetes to identify factors that impact progression of pre-diabetes to DM II - Eileen Francis, Kiran Sinjali