2019 CTLD and WIM Forum
2019 Conference on Teaching, Learning, & Discovery
Featuring the Women in Medicine and Science Forum
The conference was held in person on September 7, 2019
Opening Plenary
Introduction by Kendrick Davis, PhD
The Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation at the UC Riverside School of Medicine.
Welcome by Dean Deborah Deas, MD, MPH
The Mark and Pam Rubin Dean of the School of Medicine and Chief Executive Officer for Clinical Affairs.
Keynote Speaker: Beverley A. Petrie, MD, FACS, RASCRA
"The Journey: A Town Hall Discussion"
Session I
Breakout Session I: Work/Life Balance by Jennifer Smith, MD
When you are at work are you worrying about home? When you are at home are you constantly thinking about work? Work-Life balance is essential to controlling stress and ensuring professional and personal success. There is an expression in sailing: You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust the sails. This session will explore making small adjustments that allow you to take control.
Teaching Excellence Academy Innovative Teaching Presentations
- Using interactive and online technologies in didactic lectures to promote learning and retention – Meera Nair, PhD
- From Research to Resident Flourishing: Teaching the Lessons from the HCA Nationwide Resident Wellness Study – Gregory Guldner, MD
- Pre-clinical Pediatrics: An Introduction to the Pediatric Clerkship – Adwoa Osei, MD
Class of 2020, 21, & 22 QI Project Presentations
- Acute and Chronic Insufflation of ethyl chloride leading to neurotoxicity: a case series – Jericha Viduya
- An Open-label Study to Evaluate the Efficacy & Tollerability of Ecopipam in Adults with Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder – Jason Tran
- The Treatment Response of High School Students with Severe Migraines to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Jessica Nguyen
- Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) in the Ambulatory Care Setting – Rashid Awan, Michael Garcia and Chinedum Oranusi
- The Effect of Continuity of Care as Facilitated by PCP's on Overall Patient Health Outcomes – Marissa Fox and Brianna Manes
- Addressing Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates Through Use of Standing Orders for Nursing Staff – Megan Calzia
- Physician Language Concordance and LEP Latino Diabetes Management – Antonio Garcia
- Assessing Patient Satisfaction After Provision of Mental Health Resources – Chade Aribo, Katherin Domenici & Asha Dasika
- Assessing the management of pre-diabetes to identify contributing factors that delay progression of Pre-Diabetes to DM II – Eileen Francis, Antonio Loza & Sinjali Kiran (MS2)
- Comparison of Pharmacologic Therapies for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Julius Daniels, Jossue Loya Jimenez, Miguel Quispe Sanchez & Phuong Vo
- Barriers to Influenza Vaccine Compliance a Kaiser Permanente Fontana – Joseph Wong Khoi Bach & Jordan Smith
- Facilitando el Manejo de Diabetes Tipo II con Educación: Un enfoque en Hispanos del Inland Empire
- Analisis de la Entrega de la Eucacion Nuricional del Paciente – Marjorie Wimmer
- Empoderamiento del paciente – Michelle Oberoi
- Investigacion Sobre Las Barreras Que Afectan Las Visitas de Seguimiento de Pacientes con Presion Sanguinea Alta – Andrea Gochi
- Impact of Telephone Visits on Diabetes Control – Gurjot Wallia
- HPV Vaccination Administration and Education – Niresh Perera
- Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) as an Alternative Treatment for Patients on Opiates with Chronic Lumbar Pain – Brandon Phong
- Understanding the Relationship Between Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Anxiety in a Pediatric Patient Population – Archana Reddy
- Evaluating the Impact of a Telephone Reminder Intervention on Patient Attendance with Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Examinations – Stephen Hunter
- Effect of Precise Height Measurement on Diagnosis and Efficiency in Pediatric Endocrinology at Riverside Medical Clinic – Manparbodh Kaur
- Influence of patient education and provider trust on vaccine hesitancy – Cassidy Koo
- Assessing Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients at Kaiser Permanente – Emily Koos
- Descriptive Encounter of the Patient Experience to Provide Better Informed Patient Care – Gregory Latta
- Improving Patient Quality of Life through Obesity Intervention in a Primary Care – Allen Le
- Analysis of Management Practices of Hypertension in the African American Population at Kaiser Permanente San Bernardino – Claudia Lee
- Neighborhood Healthcare - Temecula Analysis of Referral System Process – Maria Macias & David Vasconcellos
- Retrospective and Prospective Study on Continuity of Care in the Hispanic/Latino Population of Riverside County – Cesar Fortuna
- Analysis of Controlling Asthma Symptoms and the Development of an Effective Asthma Treatment Plan – Sana Hayden & Jonathan Vargas
- Analyzing No-Show & Cancellation Rates Amongst Adult Care Providers And Identifying Optimal Alternatives to Point-of-Care Communication in the Event of Missed Appointments – Amanpreet Bilg, Christ Ordookhanian & Ashwin Sharma
- Phone Visits for Improving Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Depressed Adults – Laura Lowe & Joseph Yasmeh
- Introducing a Social Needs Resource Database into a Primary Care Setting – Megan Mostamand & Julia Seiberling
- Impact of Medical Adherence on Biomarkers of Chronic Diseases – Sonul Gupta, Jennifer Laborada, Matthew O'Hara & Sawyer Schuljiak
Session II
Breakout Session II: Using Storytelling to Engage Learners by Paul Lyons, MD
Stories touch our imagination and teach us throughout our lives about life, about ourselves and about others. One benefit of using storytelling in teaching and learning is that stories present information in manageable and memorable ways. Research has shown that storytelling has a positive effect on both learner engagement and content retention. Through stories, learners relate to the material emotionally which has a beneficial effect on deep learning. This session explores ways to incorporate storytelling into medical education.
Teaching Excellence Academy Innovative Teaching Presentations
- What are Students Teaching Their Teachers? – Paul Sinkhorn, M.D.
- Longitudinal Professional Identity in Medical Education: Thinking beyond specialty choice – Maegen Dupper, M.D. and Nathan McLaughlin, M.D.
Class of 2020, 21, & 22 QI Project Presentations
- Identification of Veterans with Dual Insurance Coverage to Improve Health Outcomes – Vinson Vong and Jossue Zozaya
- Improving Coping Skills in Diabetic Patients with Chronic Neuropathic Pain via Motivational Interviewing – Tyler Luu and Monica (Kozak) Tulimiero
- Improving Psychotropic Medication Oversight and Monitoring the Effectiveness of New Prescribing Guidelines for Foster Youth in Riverside County – Emily Young
- Improving Patient Education and Diabetes Management within the Inland Empire – Sarah Grace, Akach Patel and Vandan Patel
- Coachella Valley – Air Quality Awareness in the Eastern Coachella Valley due to the Salton Sea – Jeffrey Contreras, Christina Jeffredo, Diana Paez, Andres Ruiz-Felix, and Kayla Sanchez
- Riverside/San Bernardino – Take a Turn Against Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – Kristal Araujo, Justin Baisa, Alexander Brinkley, Inderjit Kaur, Ashley Martinez, and Heidi Ramirez
- Riverside/San Bernardino – Air Pollution in the Inland Empire and its Impact on Respiratory Health – Sandra Barrera, Kourtney Hardy, Champagne Moore, Kailey Tometich, and Kenny Wong
- Riverside/San Bernardino – Anxiety Among Homeless Adolescents – Mercie Acosta, Nicholas Alegre, Cyan Jones, Gursharnjit Kaur, Maricarmen Martinez-Solano, Jennifer Reyes, Lessly Tapia-Torres, and Serena Zarate
- Temecula Valley – Combating Type 2 Diabetes with a Healthy Lifestyle – Ashley Agubata, Luis Arrioja, Maria Baray, Conrad Hofstedt, Sarah Kooda, and Therese Recidoro
- Impact of personalized electronic coaching on Type 2 diabetes control – Kashif iqbal & Niluk Senewiratne
- Diet and Exercise Affecting A1C – Marlene Alfaro, Michael Hall & Alfonso Vera
- Improving blood pressure management in hypertensive patients – Iqra Iqbal & Bo Ram Yoo (Jennifer)
- Improving the Rate of Cervical Cancer Screening – Karin Rashid, Ashley Advincula, Dev Dhillon & Mutahir Faran
- Perspectivas de los pacientes sobre los servicios de interpretación informal versus formal en la clínica médica del condado – Julia Devito
- Observing existing and improved screening measures- For gender-transitions pediatric patients between endocrinology and mental health services – Jennifer Grinceri
- Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease and Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Abnormal Fetal Echocardiograms in the Inland Empire – Lana Hadad
- Review and Implementation of New Blood Pressure Guidelines at Riverside Neighborhood Health Center – Josue Reynaga
- Patient Self-Identification of Barriers to Improvement for Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Hispanic Population of the Inland Empire – Troy Ruff
- Elucidating the Best Method For Completion of Physician Orders For Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Forms in a Moreno Valley Family Practice – Christian Sam
- How to Effectively Deliver Exercise Education to Patients – Preston Sitorus
- Implementing an Oral Care Program to Prevent Non-Ventilator -Associated Hospital- Acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) – Matt Llamas
- Analysis of Reasons for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Refusal vs. Acceptance – Elizabeth Luu
- Analysis of Patient Opioid Drug Misuse through Screening and Management in a Family Medical Practice – Audrie Minnich
- Motivational Interviewing and Statin Adherence in the Kaiser Fontana Healthcare System – Skyler Harrison
- Use of Health Education in Prevention of Diabetes amongst Prediabetic Patients: A review on current preventative methods – Armando Navarro
- Increasing Pediatric Vaccine Compliance by Improving Identification of Parent’s Primary Concerns – Laurel Nelms
- Patient Attitudes Towards Medical Students in an Outpatient Internal Medicine Setting – Betty Nguyen
- Improving Hypertension Medication Adherence Measurements through a Nurse-led Intervention – Olayemi Osibowale & Kishan Patel
- Improving Patient Quality of Life and Family Understanding of End-of-Life Care Through Voluntary Advance Care Planning in a Primary Care Setting – Catherine Ha & Vu Pham
- Identifying barriers perceived by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients in managing their disease and adhering to treatment – Michael Castillo & Nely Chuqui Owens
- DASH Diet Efficacy in Hypertensive Patients of the Inland Empire – Jinhwan Bae & Jonathan Pham
- Nutrition and Exercise Management for Type II Diabetics via Text Reminders – Arpita Gupta & Justine Ku
- Patient-Centered Approaches to Improve Patient Satisfaction with Primary Healthcare in an Ambulatory Care Setting – Clifton Lee & Patrick Sur
- Telehealth Practices: Consolidating the Academic and Corporate World - a systematic review – Morcel Hamidy & Ashley Stone
Session IV
Breakout Session IV: Letters of Recommendation: Are Yours (and Mine) Biased? by Larry Loo, M.D.
Did you know that letters of recommendation for men are four times more likely to mention publications while letters for women are seven times more likely to mention personal life? We all want to write unbiased and honest letters of recommendation; however, we all have some unconscious biases that creep in. The research shows that women are just as likely as men to write letters with problematic overtones. This session will explore the issue of bias in letters or recommendation and provide some strategies for avoiding bias in the writing.
Rotating Roundtables on Women in Medicine and Science
Class of 2020, 21, & 22 QI Project Presentations
- Retrospective and Prospective Study on Continuity of Care in the Hispanic/Latino Population of Riverside County – Renee De La Parra, Camila Garcia Paz, Yasmin Gutierrez & Aladino (Alex) Razo
- SHARE Intervention’s Influence on Flu Vaccination Decision Making in the Riverside County Patient Population – George Lee & Anne Lyon
- Use of Health Coaching Intervention in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes – Michelle Epps, Cristina Tapia, Amylee Martin & Stephanie Wong
- Use of Transient Elastography to Screen for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Diabetic Patients – Linus Amarikwa
- Transgender Content in Riverside Medical Education – Cyrus Nguyen
- Weight Management in Rialto – Nicholas Notti
- Investigation of the Barriers Affecting Patient Return to Follow-up Visits for Blood Pressure Readings for Improvement and Implementation of Effective Methodologies to Minimize Loss of Follow-up Visits – Andrea Gochi
- Introducing patients with cardio-metabolic disease to a plant-based diet through written education – Rebecca Ocher
- Use of Electronic Reminder Systems to Increase Patient Compliance with Mammogram Screenings – Jessica Troung
- The Impact of Interactive Medical Education on Outpatient Diabetes Management – Dereck Wei
- Improving Provider Knowledge and Comfort in Assessing New HIV/AIDS Cases – Leo Estrada
- Polypharmacy: Its Effect on Quality of Care and a Possible Intervention – Matthew Fan
- Flu Shot: Why are people saying no? – Daniel Gehlabach
- Educational Intervention for Pre-Diabetic and Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Outcomes at Talia Medical Group – Elie Ghasb
- Directed Health Coaching Effect on Diabetes Reduction Measured by Subjective and Objective Standards – Glenn Guardamondo
- Using Motivational Interviewing as An Approach to Promote Contraceptive Use in Sexually Active Teens and Young Adults – Maria Guerrero
Closing Session
Awards, raffle prizes, etc
Rotating Roundtables on Women in Medicine and Science
Using a fun speed dating approach, the Rotating Roundtables include many opportunities to engage in topics related to women in medicine and science.These will be held during Sessions III & IV.
Each table has a facilitator who leads a discussion for approximately 30 minutes. When the bell rings, you can select a new table and a new topic. Here are some of the topics you can choose from:
- Caring for the Transgender Patient: Bridging the Gap in Resident Education – facilitated by Marissa Fox
- AAMC Careers in Medicine Tools and Resources for Students and Mentors – facilitated by Christina Rangel
- Women in Leadership – facilitated by Linda Reimann
- Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence – facilitated by Karla Aguilar of CARE
- Power Through Language, Practice and Self-monitoring - facilitated by Sunshine Nakae, Ph.D.
- What is Amplification and How to Use it to Get You and Your Female Coworkers Heard! – facilitated by Takesha Cooper, M.D.
- Searching and Exploring Opportunities/Help in the Medical Field – facilitated by Itzel Cruz of the American Medical Woman’s Association
- Microaggressions in Everyday Life - facilitated by Carla Umeneta
- Women in the STEM Field – Emma Wilson, Ph.D.
- Cultural and Socioeconomic Factors of Being a Latina in Medicine – facilitated by Maria Macias of the UCR Latinx Medical Student Association
- Machis-NO – facilitated by Tatiana Barrera de Sosa and Armando Navarro of the UCR Latinx Medical Student Association
About the PIP Breakout & Poster Sessions
PIPs are an integral piece of the LACE experience and helps the student learn how to collaborate as a member of an inter-professional team by contributing to the culture of safety and improvement at their LACE facility. Presentations are based on how far along the student is in their program.
- Class of 2020 (those who have completed all three years of LACE) will give a 15-minute presentation on their completed PIP.
- Class of 2021 (those who have completed two years of LACE) will give 15-minute oral presentations on works-in-progress during the breakout sessions.
- Class of 2022 (those who have completed the first year of LACE) will take part in the poster session. Presenters will be available to discuss their projects and answer any questions.
Opening Panelist: Beverley A. Petrie, MD, FACS, RASCRA
Professor of Surgery at UCLA School of Medicine, Assistant Chief of the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Beverley Petrie, MD, graduated from the UCR/UCLA Program in Biomedical Sciences, which was an accelerated seven-year combined BS/MD program. Therein she received a bachelor of science in Biomedical Sciences from UCR and subsequently a doctorate of medicine from UCLA School of Medicine.
Petrie completed general surgery residency and subsequent surgical oncology fellowship at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. She then worked for Kaiser Permanente Medical Group for three years but decided to pursue additional surgical sub-specialty training in colon and rectal surgery. Therefore, she completed a fellowship in that discipline at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, TX.
Currently, Petrie is a professor of surgery at UCLA School of Medicine and works at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center where she is the assistant chief of the Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery. In 2016, she was appointed executive vice-chair for the Department of Surgery at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
Breakout Speaker: Jennifer Smith, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Dr. Jennifer Smith is a surgeon with the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center where she also serves as the Director of Trauma Outpatient Services, Director of the annual Trauma Survivor Celebration, the Associate Chief of Trauma, Acute Care Surgery and Surgical Critical Care, and the Supervisor of the Trauma Nurse Practitioners.
She also currently serves as the Trauma and SICU Educational Conference Coordinator and the Director of Trauma Performance Improvement and Patient Safety. She is also an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She received her Doctor of Medicine from University of California Davis School of Medicine. Dr. Smith completed her surgical residence at Los Angeles County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.
Breakout Speaker: Paul Lyons, MD
Dean and President of the California University of Science and Medicine (CUSM)
Dr. Paul Lyons is Dean and President of the California University of Science and Medicine (CUSM), one of the state’s newest medical schools. Dr. Lyons most recently served as the Chair, Family Medicine and the Senior Associate Dean for Education with the UC Riverside (UCR) School of Medicine. Dr. Lyons was the first physician recruited at UCR and the founder of UCR Health, a network of family medicine clinics in Inland Southern California.
Lyons received his medical degree from The Ohio State University in Columbus and completed his Family Medicine and Community Health residency at the University of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis. After completing his fellowship at the Institute for Urban Family Health in New York City, Dr. Lyons spent time at Temple University in Philadelphia working with underserved communities. He has earned numerous awards for teaching excellence including the Great Teachers Award (Temple University’s highest teaching recognition), National Golden Apple for Teaching Excellence from the American Medical Student Association, and Excellence in Humanism Award from the Associate of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Lyons is board certified in Family Medicine.
Breakout Speaker: Elizabeth Raskin, MD
Professor of Medicine, Loma Linda University
Dr. Elizabeth Raskin received her medical degree from the University of Nevada School of Medicine. She completed her residency in general surgery at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, MA.
She completed her fellowship in Colon and Rectal Surgery at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. She works in Loma Linda, CA and is affiliated with Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. In February of 2018 she was highlighted in an NBC news piece regarding #MeToo in medicine.
Breakout Speaker: Larry Loo, MD
Assistant Dean, Continuing Medical Education and Vice Chair for Education & Faculty Development, Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Dr. Laurence Loo, M.D. is the assistant dean of continuing medical education and vice chair for education & faculty development at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Loo is a physician educator, who is committed to building strong educational programs that foster the development and growth of physicians along the professional continuum starting first in medical school, transitioning to residency and throughout the rest of a physician’s professional life by facilitating continuing medical education and self-directed learning. He served as the governor of the Southern California region II from 2004-2008.
Loo graduated from the University of California, San Diego in 1981. He completed his internal medicine residency in 1984 and served as chief resident at the Pettis V.A. Medical Center from 1984-1985.